Business Setup

Home Business Setup

Incorporation Services

Many business people dream of establishing a business in UAE as it is one of the most sought-after global investment hubs in the world. With high tourism and various successful businesses over the years, it has opened up numerous opportunities for foreign investors, entrepreneurs, and companies. However, though it is great to set up a business in UAE, understanding the costs and what the process entails of setting up a business takes precedence.

If you are unaware of the legal formalities and the requirements of setting up a business, it could turn out to be a disaster. Establishing a business takes careful planning thought out by specialists who have years of experience in this field. From gaining approvals from various government departments to arranging the finances, you need a team who is familiar with the business environment to help you set up the company.

Rely on the specialists at SM JOSHI Chartered Accountants to help you with the entire business incorporation process. Whether you are a limited liability company, a free zone company, or an offshore company, our business consultants have the expertise and knowledge to help you set up your business in UAE.

We will ensure that the process is smooth and hassle free and there will be little to no complications during the setup. We will work with you until your business begins its operations in UAE. Our services entail:

  • Suggesting the most suitable license for your business
  • Preparing application form to submit to the Regulators
  • Acquiring trade name and initial approvals
  • Getting attestations from relevant government departments and authorities
  • Preparation and review of business plan
  • Acquiring the necessary licenses for the business
  • Reviewing and ensuring policies and agreements are in accordance with the local laws and regulations

You’ll also receive various benefits when you start a business in UAE like reliable utilities, top-notch telecommunications, spacious office space and residential accommodations, and developed transport and infrastructure, among others.